4 thoughts on “Fire Hydrant Overlay now also showing defibrillators”

  1. Hi Hartmut,
    I love the service, that is offered here.
    However, I noticed that only a few out of all fire hydrants are actually shown on the rendered map.
    Do you have a suggestion, how I can fix that?

    Many thanks in advance!

    1. I did a mistake when re-importing, hydrants added after the initial import were not covered by the update process.

      I’m running a new fresh import in the background right now, this will take a few days to complete though.

      I’m aiming to switch over to the newly imported database on Sunday May 14th, after that existing and newly added hydrants should show up just fine as expected.

      1. Hi Hartmut,
        I just tested successfully, many thanks!
        Is it possible to add suction points (tag: emergency=suction_point) to the Fire Hydrant Overlay?
        Those are often more difficult to find than hydrants. To me it would be a great advantage, if the suction points would show up on the map as well.

        Viele Grüße!

        1. You tested while the import of minutely diffs was still lagging behind by a few days, the database has only caught up with the lag from the re-import in the early afternoon today. After it caught up I added two more hydrants in my home village and they are showing up fine. So the minutely diffs import now really successfully covers newly added emergency objects.

          I also added rules for emergency=suction_point, fire_water_pond and water_tank have now been added, using SVG symbols similar to those found in OpenFireMap. Rendering of water_tank:volume is not there yet, but I’ll add that tomorrow.

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